Saturday, February 25, 2006

St. Valentine's Day Fondue


Every St. Valentine's Day, we celebrate together by making fondue. Here are some pics from our latest attempt - we used Emmenthaler and Gruyere cheeses. Next year we'll try some Gouda. There is a great cheese store in our old neighborhood called Formaggio... it is a fun food store with ridiculously good cheeses, chocolates, and spices.

Cheese dusted with cornstarch:

Melting cheese! After rubbing the pot with a big garlic clove, we got some chardonnay up to temperature and then added the cheese, little by little...

Our Valentine's Table, complete with Kirsch to dip our loaf of crusty wheat bread in... The cheese is going from the stove top into that little crock pot.

Dipped in our fondue: apples, steamed broccoli, grilled kielbasa, red peppers, and crusty wheat bread... Let's Eat! Happy Valentine's Day!

Here are a couple of pictures we had from fondue on Valentine's Day '03 - three years, a different house, a marriage, and one much-needed haircut ago!!!


  1. Anonymous9:31 PM

    I love it!! You're out of the blogger closet now....Such a cool site and a great tradition. Will you cook up an idea for my romantic groundhog day celebrations??

  2. Romantic on Groundhog Day? Why not!

    Being on Feb 2nd though - and feeling this winter's freezing temperatures - we'd probably go with a comfort food menu with something boiled/braised/roasted for a long period of time. That, and a good deal of beer...

  3. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Here! Here! We'll be in touch for our celebration next year! Love the blog.

    :-) Pam
