Browned the ground turkey and seasoned it at the end with cumin, chili powder, oregano, red pepper flake, and kosher salt... removed to a bowl when brown and already smelling good.

Cut up the zucchini twice lengthwise, then into little half-quarters and added it to the saute pan to start them softening. Seasoned the zucchini with the same mixture.

After four minutes, added the pimento which had been sliced up... then the can of black beans... then the corn... then the tomatoes and tomato sauce. Combined and tested the seasoning and started the oven on it's preheat to 400.

Added the turkey back in and made sure everything had a chance to come together and mingle. Got out a big, glass baking dish and started are Lasagna "layers" with a layer of torn wheat tortillas on the bottom, followed by some big scoops of the meat-and-veggie mixture, followed by a layer of the taco cheese. Repeated with a layer of tortillas, layer of good stuff, and a final layer of cheese at the top.

Into the 400-degree oven for about 30 minutes, until everything is bubblin' and the cheese is melted and brown on the top! Enjoy with a seat and a beer - a great, quick meal after a long day shopping... WITH leftovers!

I decided I'm going to give this a whirl this week. I'm making out my shopping list as I shop on Fridays. I have made a few different mexican lasagna's. I have two questions though.
A can of stewed tomatoes? Is that the medium size can or the small can?
Also: The ground turkey. Did you guys use 1 lb or 2 lbs?
I'm going to guess it's the medium size can of stewed tomatoes. I'm sure I could eye it as I'm pouring it in.
I made this and YUMMY!!!!!
I substitued spanish olives for the pimentos, but at least they have pimentos in them. OH YUM
Hi, legend_018 - We just made this dish again last night and - knowing we could go shopping first - we added sliced red pepper and onion that we sauteed prior to the zucchini.
In order to get the pimento flavor we took an idea for you and added a few spanish olives!
As you said - came out YUMMY!!! With at least a day of leftovers, to boot!
Oh and to answer your questions - you are right, the medium sized can of diced tomatoes. And about 1.3 pounds of ground turkey seem to be the size of the packages at our local Stop and Shop here in Dorchester.
As Rachael Ray might say - just eyeball it! Like everything else, use combos and seasonings that you're going to like!
Thanks for visiting!
Thank you for ssharing
I still make this on occasion 😄
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