We have pretty much perfected our homemade whole wheat pizza dough - one packet of yeast in 1 cup of very warm (110-degree) water and a drop of honey allowed to "wake up" for about 15 minutes, then into a bowl with 3 cups whole wheat flour, lots of garlic powder, salt, and some basil and oregano, combined and kneaded until doughy and then allowed to rise near the warm oven (covered) for an hour. This recipe makes enough for 2 pizzas, and it freezes well too.
The champion of this particular pizza creation is the bag of frozen shrimp we always have on hand. Whether in fajitas, pasta, or grilled cajun-style over a salad, these frozen wonders are great for easy and quick weeknight cooking.
As usual, we pre-cooked our dough on our stone in a very hot 500-degree oven for 4 minutes. In the meantime, we cooked up the shrimp 2/3 of the way in some olive oil and seasoned them with some garlic powder, oregano, and basil. We removed the dough and topped it with some store-bought alfredo sauce, some big slices of tomato, fresh basil leaves, the shrimpies and topped it with some shredded mozzarella and fresh-grated parmesan. We popped that back in the oven for 7 more minutes, and then we had ourselves a nice creamy shrimp pizza with a divinely thin crispy crust!

mmm...whole wheat dough!
I made your dough today and the shrimp alfredo pizza. I used feta cheese instead of mozzerella though and a little parm on top. The dough came out surprisingly YUMMY!!. However, I think something was wrong. It did foam on the top, but not as much as I have seen with other dough. It also didn't double in size, but it did rise a little I thought. I thought it was going to be a flop and was so surprised that it was a tasty as it was. But, the dough was extremely thin and I just thought it didn't have much umph to it. I made sure the water was 110 and added the yeast packet and about a teaspoon of honey. I let it sit for a good 10 minutes. It did definetely foam. Making pizza dough is soooo difficult I have found. If you have any tips for me, let me know. I would really like to perfect at this recipe. My email address is mccollim@comcast.net
hi, legend_018 - often our whole wheaet dough doesn't rise very much, either. We think it is because we are using all whole wheat flour. We think it still works out great - and tastes great - like it is... but adding partial all purpose flour would definitely make it rise more!
I'm thinking about moving more towards 50/50 or 60/40 with 60% being the whole wheat. I'm going to try it out this week I think.
Absolutely let us know how it turns out!
ok, I ended up using 1.5 cups of King Arthurs Whole Wheat Flour and 1 cup of all purpose flour. As it was kneading in my kitchen aide mixer - I did add a little more all purpose flour and I used all purpose when rolling it out. So it was close to 50/50, but a little more whole wheat.
I had my dad over for lunch. We had 2 pizza's. One from the dough I made the other day, which had way more Whole Wheat Flour. Everything else (spices, honey) ect. was the same as your recipe style. The one with more whole wheat was tasty, but sooooo thin. Almost too thin for my tasting. The one that was more 50/50 was tasty too and was thin, but not as thin. I liked it better. Taste wise..it was pretty much the same. Welp there is my pizza story "lol". P.S. I'm from north of boston.
WOW the dough I made the other day with mostly whole wheat - made GREAT fried dough. Yum!
haha that's fantastic, legend_018! we love making fried dough/funnel cake too...
Sorry - I'm trying to check out that link and it's not working. I'm going to
I'm not a big shrimp fan, but I must say, that looks pretty good!
It was delicious Marc! And hey, substitute some pre-grilled chicken or some pepperoni or just go veggie...
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